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Hello website visitors (most likely friends and family). I hope you are all having fabulous days. Thank you for visiting my website.

Yes, it is a pretty plain website right now, but I'm working on it.

Here is what I need to do

That sounds like a pretty good goal to me.

I am learning HTML and CSS from the fantastic, free tutorial website:

As you can see, they've already taught me how to do some basic HTML, such as links, lists, and pictures. I know how to make tabbles, too. I just can't think of any reason to make a table. Sigh.

Michelle Collett

And while I'm not on the subject, can someone explain to me how it is possible for Jill's fingernails to grow so quickly? Her toenails don't. Her hair sure doesn't. Oh well. I guess that's just the way it goes. My fingernails sure don't grow as fast.